Monday, 5 November 2012

Ancillaries and billboard planning.

I have started to think about how i want my ancillary and billboard to look like, and what needs to be the main focus. As Cason and Sophies storyline is the main focus in my trailer i decided that it would be best to put them on the ancillary, with a quote from one of them which links the ancillary and trailer together.

With this in mind i researched anciliarys and decided i wanted mine to look something like this. With Cason and Sophie on the front with straight faces to show they are not happy, and to copy the space on this front cover which shows they are not just friends but not completely in a relationship. This shows and creates tension which is what is in my trailer.
Looking at other Scripted reality billboards i have found that the whole cast usually appears on it, just like on this Made in Chelsea billboard. So i have decided on my billboard all of us will appear on it.

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