Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Planning my ancillary:Rejected shots.

When we did our photoshoot for our ancillarys we took a selection of photos so we could choose which photos we wanted and we all, stood in different postions so we could see which looked better and fitted in with the storylines. Here are the photos i rejected and why.

 This is the first photo i rejected. I rejected it as Cason looks like he wasnt ready for the photo to be taken and like he is laughing at us taking the photo. His body postion is awkward and wouldnt of suited the ancillary because of the storyline and his character.

 I rejected this photo because of the lighting. The photo is to dark and looks unprofessional.
 I rejected this photo as again the lighting is to dark and there is to much space above Graces head, and although that could be editing out it did not look right when i tried to edit it. She is also facing away from the camera to much and it almost looks like she is not meant to be in the shot.
 I rejected this photo as i felt it didnt suit the storyline and we could geut a better photo of Sophie which suited the storyline and character more.

I rejected this photo as Kieran also looks like he wasnt expecting the photo to be taken and is laughing which doesnt look professional.
I rejected this photo as it to dark which and I look like im about to laugh and there is also to much room above my head which makes the shot look unproffesional.
 I rejected this shot of Cason and Kieran because of their body postions. Their postioning does not look right and looks almost awkward. The way Kieran is looking at Cason does not fit into the storyline and characters.
This is the final photo i rejected because of space. The photo is took too far away and the camera should of been been pointed down more as Kate is smaller.

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