Monday, 12 November 2012


Shot One: Sitting down, Cutaway shot of Cason and Kieran
Over Cason's shoulder, Cason to Kieran: "You need to pick one of them or end it with both of them..."
Shot Two: Over Kieran's shoulder, Cason still speaking: "I think thats going to be the only way to resolve it"
Title Card:

Shot Three: Medium close up of Grace, talking to Kate
Shot Four: Medium close up of Kieran, wistful look
Shot Five: Medium close up of Laura, walking towards shop
Shot Six: Medium long shot from behind Cason, Sophie is in the shot, walking towards him
Shot Seven: Over Sophie's shoulder shot, Cason saying: "I didn't mean to hurt you"
Shot Eight: Point of View of Kate and Grace at the Cafe
Shot Nine: Over Cason's shoulder shot, Sophie saying: "It's too late for that"
Shot Ten: Sophie getting on the train
Title Card:

Shot Eleven: Medium side shot of Laura "You know you stabbed me in the back Rachel"
Shot Twelve: Medium side shot of Grace "I never stabbed you in the back... We're not even friends sarah!"
Shot Thirteen: Long shot, Laura walking towards the camera, angry face
Shot Fourteen: Medium close up of Kate, confused face
Shot Fifthteen: Medium close up of Grace on a bed, "I don't think i've over stepped the line"
Title Card:

Shot Sixteen: Shoes walking towards the camera
Shot Seventeen: Zoom out from Grace and Laura looking away from the camera
Shot Eighteen: Camera through Grace and Laura's head, Laura says: "You need to make a decision"
Shot Nineteen: Over Cason's shoulder of Kieran "I did pick one, I just hope it's the right one"
Shot Twenty: Grace slapping Laura, Medium Shot (Quick shot)
Shot Twentyone: Side shot of Kate saying to Cason "She's gone" (Quick shot)
Shot Twentytwo: Cason running up the stairs (Quick shot)
Shot Twentythree: The train leaving + e4 title card

We decided this would be the basic storyline we were going to used but for our trailers we could not use some, use the old shots from our when we first filmed and use the shots in any order we wanted.

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